Christ established the Church's presence on earth at Pentecost, and persecution immediately broke out against it. From the Jewish leaders through the Roman emperors and down through history, such persecutions continued. Many have tried in vain to wipe the Church from the face of the earth, and New Age leaders say it will eventually be a necessity, in order to accomplish a new world order.Before too long, Satan began revealing "secret knowledge" to some in the Church, fostering heresies in order to distort the truth of Christ's person. These heresies were added to the belief systems of the various religions which preceded Christ in order to explain Him away. It would probably be safe to say that most of these religions and heresies are prominent in today's New Age movement.
Israel had been set aside by God, and He would not look back for them as a nation until the end of the age. Christ had come as promised, but the devil had laid his groundwork. All that the devil had established up to this point in time would be renamed and shuffled and fed to humanity under new names through cults and religions and philosophies down through the centuries. His power was in diversity, something for everybody. At the end of the age, he would gather them all together for a world religion of devil worship.
There would be nothing new under the sun from this point on. The groundwork had been laid. The plan to set up the Ecumenical Church as the world church was in the wings, the Babylonian practices of goddess and sun worship were ready to be dumped into its system.
0 -The Promised Seed
of Eve and of Abraham and David is born: the Lord Jesus Christ.
33 - The Promised Seed
is rejected by Israel: He is crucified, but rises from the dead to bruise the serpent's head. The Church is established 50 days later at Pentecost.
35 - PAUL -
Paul was converted to Christianity so salvation could be offered to the nations. His message in Romans was this:25 Now to him that is of power to establish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, 26 But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith:Paul shook the Mystery religions with these two verses he wrote to the Roman Christians. These other philosophies had their initiations, their rites, their offerings to unite themselves to a god, and Paul came along and said, "The Blood of the Lamb, the Son of God, has been shed. A man is risen from the dead. Heaven's door is open. Come on in!" He traveled to the known world, spreading the Good News. He was beaten, killed, hated, wrote epistles into the night, went from synagogue to synagogue spreading the gospel, established churches wherever he went and then visited then to share more of Christ so they would come to maturity. He labored to mature the Church in the now-revealed ways of God because he knew persecution would come.
One file I found on Marian apparitions mentioned this appearance IN 40 AD. A woman supposedly identified as mary supposedly appeared to James the Apostle in Saragossa, Spain. This has great implications. If it was before she died, then she had to have appeared by means of the occult technique of bi-location, which is being in two places at once. Or, if this is not the case then it had to be a spirit since would she would still have been on earth.
Nero "Let the Christians be exterminated"; Christians crucified, devoured by beasts, torched.
Jerusalem was destroyed and the Jews were scattered, just as Jesus had said would happen.
210 years of Christian persecution by almost every Roman Emperor:
In the midst of all this persecution and martyrdom came a word to John on Patmos:
- Domitian (violent)
- Hadrian (moderate compared to Domitian)
- Marcus Aurelius (cruel torture)
- Antoninus Pius (moderate punishment, some killed)
- Septimius Severus (burning, crucifixion, beheading)
- Maximin (killed many Christian leaders)
- Decius (very violent, torture, resolved to extinguish Christianity)
- Valerian (worse than Decius)
- Diocletian (ferocious 10-year persecution intended to exterminate the Church: burning, feeding to beasts, numerous cruel tortures)
10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. 11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown (Revelation 3).There was reason to hold fast. The world was about to experience a variation of religion like it never had before, and it began with a mixture of beliefs from the Ancient religions - Gnosticism - while the young Church struggled to get its feet planted on solid ground.
The Gnostics taught that salvation is attainable by ignoring the material world and concentrating on the divine world of light, while using sacred formulas to gain revelation. Today we see such practices in the AD2000 movement, such as prayer walking, spiritual warfare, Marching for Jesus, and Praise sessions that numb the senses to alter consciousness. The Manifest Sons doctrine undergirding the current move is very rich in Gnosticism. The result is the same as in the days of the early Gnostics: visions, dreams and revelations that go beyond the word of God. Donning's Psychic Dictionary defines Gnosticism as this:
"A religion of beliefs coming from Zoriastrianism, formed about the same time as Christianity. The theory is that mankind originated in the celestial realms where only pure spirits dwell. Man now has taken on a material body, binding her or himself to the material world, its values and motives. Mankind can evolve back to the celestial realms through the super knowledge he or she receives from etheric [spirit] world intelligences who communicate with them regarding the etheric [spirit] world, psychism, metaphysics and control of the mind. The word Gnosis means 'mystical and spiritual knowledge, seeking to know that which one cannot perceive with one's five senses.'"New Ager Elaine Pagels wrote a book called "The Gnostic Gospels" in which she discusses her side of the question of Gnosticism versus Christianity in the early Church. She said the Gnostics believed that if Jesus came to reveal the secrets of the Kingdom, and the apostles were told the secrets of the kingdom, and Paul received mysteries and secrets hid since the beginning of the world, then this secret knowledge was the key to encountering the risen Christ and realizing our destiny. The resurrection wasn't something only to be believed, but something to be experienced, so the mysteries of the kingdom could be revealed to the seeker directly from the spirit realm, or from the Christ Spirit itself. Christianity said the apostles were the standard because they held to the word of God, the faith once delivered to the saints. But the Gnostics proposed what has now been heard from John Wimber: "God is bigger than His word." In Christianity, the revelation of Christ was complete, but in Gnosticism, all had not been revealed, all was not yet known. Further revelation was needed.The Gnostic was one who had transcended rational knowledge and faith in what he heard. He believed man needs to know himself, which would bring to him a knowledge of where he has been and where he is going, and, in the process, thus come to know God. Such knowledge could not be known from a belief system that served as a standard of truth to be obeyed. Such knowledge could only come personally and intuitively within, and if the experience went beyond the bounds of the word of God, then the seeker had simply encountered another secret of the kingdom Jesus had spoken of and revealed to His chosen twelve. In the process, who Christ was was changed. He was not the one who died for sin and was risen to give the Spirit to those who believe so they would be united to God and complete in Him. Christ became one who had to be sought by men so they, too, could understand the secrets of the kingdom by having them revealed to them in experience. Experience became the final criteria, not God's final revelation as revealed to Paul and placed in His written word. We have the same situation today as the Church is stalking off into the darkness after an experiential, counterfeit Jesus. Alice Bailey, the Mother of the New Age, said,
"What the orthodox theologian and the narrow doctrinaire have to offer no longer satisfies the intelligent seeker or suffices to answer his questions. He is shifting his allegiances into wider and more spiritual areas. He is moving OUT FROM UNDER doctrinal authority AND TO direct personal, spiritual experience AND COMING UNDER the direct authority which contact with Christ and His disciples, the masters, gives."Bailey knows her Gnosticism, and she sees what is happening in the Church better than members of the Church do. The Gnostics cry is, "How can you have the true faith when you are divided into so many Christian sects and denominations?" Thus, the denominations become Babylon, and Gnosticism focuses on all being visibly one. In the second to third centuries, the Ecumenical Church hierarchical system rose and set the standard: if you didn't belong to the one true church, then you were a heretic. The only problem was, through conquest, the standard changed, and the word of God was mixed with an assortment of traditions and mystical experiences apart from Scripture. While the Church declared Gnostics heretics, it , too was slowly adding the unbiblical experiences of the saints and the doctrines established by those experiences to its bin of so-called truth. How was something to be determined Gnostic or not, truth or not? The test was whether it conflicted with the now contaminated faith of the Ecumenical Church. Today, as the non-Catholics take on more distorted Scripture, traditions and experiences of their own, they are only conforming to the real Ecumenical way of life, though the terminology and appearance may seem different. Almost all of the Christian world is now pursuing the unity of all believers based on traditions, experiences and the perversion of Scripture. Today, we have "new revelations" just as the Gnostics of old had experiences based on revelation beyond the word of God. God is once again the God who is bigger than His word. Gnosticism is winning the battle for the souls of men while Christianity is marching the streets for Jesus and pulling demons down from the heavenlies, shouting Victory in Jesus' name.
160 - MONTANISTS (Phrygian Cult)
This cult of the second century believed it was bringing in a New Age. I mention this cult because it had great similarities to what is happening today in the revival:
"The [Montanist] movement was conservative, claiming to return, as so many scholars since have done, to what were considered to be the practices and beliefs of the primitive Church, and also asserting that a new or at least renewed dispensation of the Spirit had arrived. At his baptism the Holy Spirit spoke through Montanus in tongues, thus reviving the charismatic emotionalism and practices of such churches as that of New Testament Corinth and reacting against the coldness and formalism which were allegedly creeping into contemporary Christianity."300 END-TIME PROPHECY St. Antony the Abbot:
"Men will surrender to the spirit of the age. They will say that if they had lived in our day, faith would be simple and easy. But in their day, they will say, things are complex; the Church must be brought up to date and made meaningful to the day's problems. When the Church and the world are one, then those days are at hand."
Constantine converted to Christianity from Mithrianism. I see him as basically responsible for the mixing of pagan myths and fables and gods and goddesses with Christianity. Mithrianism is with us still through Roman Catholicism, which is furthering the move of the spirits of the gods and goddesses of the ancient Mystery religions closer to their goal of setting up the world's worship of Satan. Those gods and goddesses now appear to be able to accomplish that through an emphasis on Mary, the planned global communion, and a glorious celebration in the year 2000. What I want to show here is that the mixture of sun worship and Christianity was evident in the days of Constantine, he himself having practiced it even after abandoning Mithrianism. One web site I read said this about Constantine:
"Believers in Mithras observed Sunday as well as Christmas. Consequently Constantine placed Sunday under the protection of the State and spoke not of the day of the Lord, but of the everlasting day of the sun. Furthermore, the Church tolerated the cult of the emperor under many forms. It was permitted to speak of the divinity of the emperor, of the sacred palace, the sacred chamber and of the altar of the emperor, without being considered on this account an idolater. From this point of view Constantine's religious change was relatively trifling; it consisted of little more than the renunciation of a formality. For what his predecessors had aimed to attain by the use of all their authority and at the cost of incessant bloodshed, was in truth only the recognition of their own divinity; Constantine gained this end, though he renounced the offering of sacrifices to himself."Not only Gnostics and other heretics, but Christians who considered themselves faithful, held in a measure to the worship of the sun. Leo the Great in his day says that it was the custom of many Christians to stand on the steps of the church of St. Peter and pay homage to the sun by obeisance and prayers (cf. Euseb. Alexand. in Mai, "Nov. Patr. Bibl.", 11, 523; Augustine, "Enarratio in Ps. x"; Leo I, Serm. xxvi). When such conditions prevailed it is easy to understand that many of the emperors yielded to the delusion that they could unite all their subjects in the adoration of the one sun-god who combined in himself the Father-God of the Christians and the much- worshipped Mithras; thus the empire could be founded anew on unity of religion. Even Constantine for a time cherished this mistaken belief. It looks almost as though the last persecutions of the Christians were directed more against all irreconcilables and extremists than against the great body of Christians."
320 - UNITARIANISM (Monarchians)
They believed God exists as one undivided person. They denied the Trinity, Christ's divinity, His atonement, and everlasting punishment, and had as their goal the promotion of unity among all faiths, Christian or otherwise.
In the dedication of Constantinople in 330 a ceremonial half pagan, half Christian was used. The chariot of the sun-god was set in the market-place, and over its head was placed the Cross of Christ, while the Kyrie Eleison was sung, the song used in Eucharistic adoration ceremonies today in the Ecumenical Church in preparation for the year 2000 celebrations. Shortly before his death Constantine confirmed the privileges of the priests of the ancient gods. He also took many other half-measures, indicating that he continued to hold to a syncristic religion.
Constantine issued the EDICT OF TOLERATION, giving people the right to choose their own religion, and bringing the era of persecution of the Christians to an end.
This was the title of the church first established in Rome on Mount Equline in the 4th century. A pious legend claims its foundation was due to a nobleman's witnessing there a vision during a miraculous snow fall. The church today is called the Church of the Crib, but it is best known as the Basilica of St. Mary Major.
Nicaea, First Council of: dispelled Arian heresy, which stated that Christ was a creature distinct in essence from God. I got this very simple explanation of the Council of Nicea on the Internet and I think it explains the situation back then in a few words. What made this Council important was the Church was still in its early formation and false doctrine could easily get a foothold. The summary I found is this:
"To the credit of Athanasius, he saw clearly that the most dangerous of existing heresies was precisely the heresy announced by Arius. It was a very simple heresy. All Arius said was that if the Father begat the Son, then the Son must have had a birth, and therefore there was a time when the Son of God did not exist. He had come into existence according to the will of the Heavenly Father, and therefore he was less than the heavenly Father, though greater than man. [But] Christ was and Christ is absolute God."Constantinople, The Second Council: condemned Appollinaris heresy that Christ's human spirit was replaced by the Logos. We know now that this doctrine is one of the major doctrines concerning the Christ of the New Age.Other Councils would be held as the Church fought it out with heretics and Gnostics concerning who Christ was.
The use of the round wafer was instituted in the Catholic Church, the same wafer the Hislop quote described in Part Three:"In the fourth century, when the queen of heaven, under the name of Mary, was beginning to be worshipped in the Christian Church, this unbloody sacrifice also was brought in. The very shape of the unbloody sacrifice of Rome may indicate whence it came. It is a small thin, ROUND wafer."While saying the bread and wine are turned into the literal body and blood of Christ, the Catholic Church also states that the concept of the Eucharist is founded on the "unbloody sacrifice" Hislop speaks about. In "Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma," we read this definition:
"The Eucharist is that Sacrament, in which Christ, under the forms of bread and wine, is truly present, with His Body and Blood, in order to offer Himself IN AN UNBLOODY MANNER to the Heavenly Father, and to give Himself to the faithful as nourishment for their souls" (caps mine).Below is a picture of the host with IHS on it (Isis, Horus, Seb), which Hislop said was almost undeniably the round wafer of the Egyptian mysteries:
"In this silence of the white host, carried in the monstrance, are all His words; there is His whole life given in offering to the Father, for each of us; there is also the glory of the glorified body, which started with the Resurrection, and still continues in heavenly union" - Pope John Paul II, Angelus Address, June 17, 1979.451 - SHINTOISM (Japan)
Shintoism is described as "the way of the gods;" with worship centers for a large number of spirits called the kami. These spirits deal mostly with the Vital Life Force, and can manifest any kind of unusual psychic phenomena. Shinto priests were generally magicians and fortunetellers. Shrines are a distinctive mark of the Shinto religion's ancestor worship. They also worship nature, especially the sun as the supreme god. The beliefs of Shintoism were later mixed with Buddhism and Confucianism.
advocates an exclusive UNIVERSAL PAPACY.
During this period, Satan raised up more versions of his Eastern religions while exalting reincarnation over the resurrection. The worlds of occultism and psychism prospered as the use of the Scriptures deteriorated after being completed only 150 years before. This prepared the soil for Satan's seed of belief that the answer to man's spiritual thirst must be found, not in the word, but within himself in the realm of spiritual experience.
through the military conquest of Pagan nations. In order to bring the heathen into the Church, Christian and pagan beliefs were mixed.
denounces the rise of the Gnostic doctrine of REINCARNATION. Recall that Nimrod was reincarnated as Nin, the son of the Sun God in Babylon.
600 - ISLAM
(founder: Mohammed) Islam holds the belief in one supreme being (Allah) who made the world and presides over man's destiny; Mohammed, the "true prophet," took the name for his god from "Allah," a pagan deity. Islam teaches the world is full of etheric intelligences engaged in manipulating natural phenomena to lead men to believe in reincarnation. Scriptures: the Koran. Mary is a powerful influence in Islam because of Fatima, which was the name of Mohammed's daughter. This fact will most likely be an important factor in the last days scenario that is being worked out by Rome.
rejected the figurative interpretation of the Eucharist being the body and blood of Christ and thus indirectly declared the literal interpretation to be authentic. Here are two quotes from the 13th Session of the Council Of Trent:
CANON I.-If any one denies, that, in the sacrament of the most holy Eucharist, are contained truly, really, and substantially, the body and blood together with the soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, and consequently the whole Christ; but says that He is only therein as in a sign, or in figure, or virtue; let him be anathema [condemned].CANON lI.-If any one says, that, in the sacred and holy sacrament of the Eucharist, the substance of the bread and wine remains conjointly with the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, and denies that wonderful and singular conversion of the whole substance of the bread into the Body, and of the whole substance of the wine into the Blood-the species Only of the bread and wine remaining-which conversion indeed the Catholic Church most aptly calls Transubstantiation; let him be anathema.
Walsingham, England The Blessed Mother asked Lady de Faverches to build a replica of her house in Nazareth dedicated as a memorial to the Annunciation to Mary and the Incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Mary promised: "Let all who are in any way distressed or in need seek me there in that small house that you maintain for me at Walsingham. To all that seek me there shall be given succor." In the Middle Ages, Walsingham became one of the greatest pilgrimage sites in all of Europe, being the place of Mary's first apparition in England.
He prophesied of every pope to the end of the age, and it is claimed all were accurate so far with three popes left in his prophecies:
- The Labor of the Son. John Paul II. 1978-Present.
- The Glory of the Olive. This Pope will reign during the beginning of the tribulation Jesus foretold.
- Peter the Roman. In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock among many tribulations; after which the seven-hilled city (Rome, the seat of the Vatican) will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people.
in the use of the CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES.
1200 - ZEN BUDDHISM (China, Japan):
a branch of Mahayana Buddhism. A highly intellectual, metaphysical philosophy that concentrates on meditation to reach "The Silence."
Prouille, France Mary appeared to St. Dominic, a cartusian monk, and gave him the Rosary and urged him to preach the Rosary to all people as a remedy against heresy and sin.
Pope Innocent III, at the Fourth Lateran Council, proclaimed,
"There is but one universal Church of the faithful, outside of which no one at all can be saved."1250 - TRANSUBSTANTIATION
The term Transubstantiation is used for the first time by Pope Innocent III and later in the Caput Firmiter of the Fourth Lateran Council.
1251 - OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL - Aylesford, England
In her appearance to Simon Stock, Mary entrusted him with the brown scapular, which is two pieces of brown woolen cloth, usually embroidered with an outline of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and tied together by string and worn over the shoulders:
"My beloved son receive this scapular for your Order. It is the special sign of a privilege which I have obtained for you and for all God's children who honor me as Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Those who die devotedly clothed with this scapular shall be preserved from eternal fire. The brown scapular is a badge of salvation. The brown scapular is a shield in time of danger. The brown scapular is a pledge of peace and special protection, until the end of time."1253 - NICHIREN SHOSHU BUDDHISM
The "name-it-claim-it" doctrine was in wide use in this form of Buddhism. It was believed that one could create his own reality by chanting.
This ritual seems to have arisen around the institution of the Feast of Corpus Christi by Pope Urban IV in 1264. On this feast day, the Holy Eucharist was carried in procession in vessels similar to our present day monstrances, which allowed the faithful to view the Blessed Sacrament. Eventually a custom arose, especially in Germany, of keeping the Blessed Sacrament continually exposed to view in all of the churches.
At the same time, members of guilds began to gather to sing canticles in the evening after work in honor of the Blessed Mother. In particular, the singing of the "Salve Regina," composed in the 11th century, became popular in these devotions. The "Salve Regina" is a Catholic worship song to Mary. These evening services were called "Salat" in France. The Queen of Heaven had to have her worship and tied herself to the adoration of the round wafer, the sun god. Over the next two or three centuries, these two services seem to merge. The faithful would gather, usually in the evening, for chanted prayers, particularly in honor of our Blessed Mother. The Blessed Sacrament would be exposed, more prayers would be chanted or recited, and the service would end with benediction. Interestingly, benediction is still known in France as La Salat. These services are universal today.
Go to this web site for a complete report on the monstrance, and then click "Back" to return to this page:
rises again, and is again condemned by the Church.
"We declare, say, define, and pronounce that it is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff" - Pope Boniface VIII, IN the Bull Unam Sanctam.1302 - ST. GERTRUDE THE GREAT
St. Gertrude the Great had a famous mystical experience in which she was told by St. John the Evangelist "that the revelation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was reserved for later times when the world, grown cold, would be in need of being rekindled in love."
1327 - AZTECS
Evidence of their presence was found in South America, along with evidence of human sacrifice as a part of their rites.
Czestochowa, Poland The Black Madonna is a painting of the Madonna and Christ Child which legend states was painted by St. Luke the Evangelist, and is usually associated with victories in wars. St. Luke is believed to have used a tabletop from a table built by the carpenter Jesus. It was while Luke was painting Mary that she told him about the events in the life of Jesus that he eventually incorporated into his gospel. The painting shows up again in 326 AD when St. Helen located it in Jerusalem while on a pilgrimage there. She gave the painting to her son, Constantine, who had a shrine built in Constantinople to house it. In a critical battle with the Saracens, the portrait was displayed from the walls of the city and the Saracens were subsequently routed. The portrait was credited with saving the city. It is known as the 'Black Madonna" because of the soot residue that discolors the painting. The soot is the result of centuries of votive lights and candles burning in front of the painting. With the decline of communism in Poland, pilgrimages to the Black Madonna have increased dramatically, and it a high favorite of Pope John Paul II.
Church condemns another revival of the doctrine of REINCARNATION.
Pope Eugene IV, in The Papal Bull Cantate Domino, declared,
"[The Holy Roman Church] firmly believes, professes and teaches that none of those who are not within the Catholic Church, not only Pagans, but Jews, heretics and schismatic, can ever be partakers of eternal life, but are to go into the eternal fire 'prepared for the devil, and his angels' (Mt. xxv. 41), unless before the close of their lives they shall have entered into that Church; also that the unity of the Ecclesiastical body is such that the Church's Sacraments avail only those abiding in that Church, and that fasts, alms, deeds, and other works of piety which play their part in the Christian combat are in her alone productive of eternal rewards; moreover, that no one, no matter what alms he may have given, not even if he were to shed his blood for Christ's sake, can be saved unless he abide in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church."1486 - HARE KRISHNA (founder: Chaitanya Mahaprabhu)
Hindu in origin. Most activity centers around the constant chanting of "Hare Krishna." Initiates are given a new Sanskrit name and a secret mantra to aid in realizing godhood by these methods and the process of reincarnation/karma.
1500 - ALCHEMY:
the eternal desire for secret knowledge. Alchemists try to transmute something from a lower form to a higher form through a combination of chemical and spiritual processes (e.g., inferior metal to gold); evolved into necromancy. This would eventually evolve into spiritual alchemy, where today we have such principles being applied to the transformation of man from Homo Sapiens to Homo Universalis. This spiritual alchemy is to meant to balance the male-female counterparts in the seeker.
1500 END-TIME PROPHECY Mother Shipton (Catholic):
The first prophecy I found on The Great Chastisement:
"The great chastisement will come when carriages go without horses and many accidents fill the world with woe. It will come when thoughts are flying around the earth in the twinkling of an eye, when long tunnels are made for horseless machines, when men can fly in the air and ride under the sea, when ships are wholly made of metal, when fire and water great marvels do, when even the poor can read books, and when many taxes are levied for war."1525 - NOSTRADAMUS:
prophesied the future by occult powers (astrologist):
Nostradamus 1999 Web Page: "Nostradamus was born in 1503 in Saint Remy, France. He is without question the most famous and successful prophet of all time. In his writings, Nostradamus made over 1000 predictions about the future, many with stunning and incredible accuracy. Nostradamus predicted that in the year 1999 during the seventh month of July, a great king of terror would come from the sky. Is Nostradamus predicting the END OF THE WORLD? Or is he predicting a great global catastrophe to be followed by some new world order?"1531 - OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE - Guadalupe, Mexico
A Black Madonna, the Lady appeared to a poor Aztec Indian named Juan Diego in central Mexico. Near Tepayac Hill he encountered a beautiful woman surrounded by a ball of light as bright as the sun. Speaking in his native tongue, the beautiful lady identified herself as the ever-virgin Mary, Mother of the true God. She gave him some flowers that miraculously appeared in his tilma to give to the Bishop as a sign that she had appeared to him, but when he opened the tilma, there was a picture of the Blessed Virgin Mary precisely as Juan had described her. Within six years of this apparition, six million Aztecs had converted to Catholicism. The tilma shows Mary as the God-bearer - she is pregnant with her Divine Son. It can be seen today in a large cathedral built to house up to ten thousand worshipers. It is, by far, the most popular religious pilgrimage site in the Western Hemisphere.
refutes the doctrine of the Trinity; forms a separate church. (see 320 AD).