The Revealed Translation

Old Testimony of God Selecting His People
(God takes the Gentile, Abram, and makes him the first Jew)
- Genesis ......... The Book
of Generations
- Exodus ......... The
Departure and Formation of Israel
- Leviticus ........
Sacrifices for Forgiveness
- Numbers ........ The
Numbering of God's People
- Deuteronomy .. History and
God's Law
- Joshua ............ Land Given to
God's People
- Judges ............ Deliverers
Rescue God's People
- Ruth .............. The Kinsman
- I Samuel ........ King Saul Of
- II Samuel ....... King David Of
- I Kings .......... History of
Judah and Israel
- II Kings ......... King Solomon,
Elijah and Elisha
- I Chronicles .... The Reign of
King David
- II Chronicles ... Return from
Babylonian Captivity
- Ezra .............. Jeremiah's
Prophecy of Israel's Return
- Nehemiah ....... Rebuilding Israel
- Esther ............ Preservation
of God's People
- Job ................ Afflictions
and Restoration of God's Servant
- Psalms ........... Poetry of
God's People
- Proverbs ........ Solomon's
Wisdom for Living
- Ecclesiastes .... Solomon's
Philosophy of Living
- Song of Solomon . Love Poem
Between God and His People
- Isaiah .............. The
Evangelical Prophet of Jesus the Messiah
- Jeremiah .......... The Idolatry
of God's People
- Lamentations .... Jeremiah's
Sorrow for the Sins of God's People
- Ezekiel ............
The Captive
Prophet of Israel's Doom and Deliverance
............. The Captive Prophet of Israel's Future
- Hosea ............. The Prophet
of Conviction
- Joel ................ The Prophet
of Helplessness and Hope
- Amos .............. The Prophet
of Warnings and Restoration
- Obadiah ..........
Destruction of God's Enemies and Israel's
- Jonah .............. Evangelist
to the Gentiles
- Micah .............. Prophet of
the Coming Messiah
- Nahum ............. Prophet of
Doom to the Assyrian Empire
- Habakkuk ......... Prophet of
Doom to Jerusalem and Judea
- Zephaniah ........
Doom to Israel's Enemies and Prediction
of the Coming Church
- Haggai ............. Rebuilding
God's Temple
- Zechariah .........
God's Judgment upon Sinners and Mercy upon His
- Malachi ............ Repent for
the Coming Messiah

The New Testimony of God's Chosen People
(The Gentiles are added to God's Kingdom)
- Matthew .......... Jesus is King
( Lion )
- Mark ............... Jesus is
Servant ( Ox )
- Luke ............... Jesus is Man
( Man )
- John ................ Jesus is
God ( Eagle )
- Acts ................ The Actions of
the Early Church
- Romans ............ Salvation for
the Jew and Gentile
- I Corinthians ..... Carnality of
Early Greek Christians
- II Corinthians .... Restoration
of Early Greek Christians
- Galatians ..........
Justification by Faith Alone in Jesus Christ
- Ephesians ......... Salvation
Through Jesus Christ
- Philippians ........ Christian
Love and Steadfastness
- Colossians ......... Hope in
Jesus Christ Alone
- I Thessalonians .. Faithfulness
to God's Good News
- II Thessalonians .. The Second
Coming of Jesus Christ
- I Timothy ......... Church
- II Timothy ........ Encouragement
for Church Leaders
- Titus ................ Proper
Christian Behavior
- Philemon .......... From Slave to
- Hebrews .......... Jesus the Highest
- James .............. True
Christian Lifestyle
- I Peter .............
Perseverance through Persecution
II Peter ............ Exposing
False Teachers
- I John .............. True God
and True Faith
- II John ............. Obedience
and Fellowship
- III John ............ Hospitality
Jude ................. Guard
Against False Teachers
Revelation .........
The Future of God's People, The Lost, and Planet
Revelation Chronology
Chart (Horizontal)
Revelation Chronology
Chart (Vertical)