Philemon      From Slave to Servant     The Revealed Translation


Philemon 1:1  From Paul, a prisoner for serving Jesus Christ, and Timothy, a brother in faith. To Philemon, our dear friend and coworker.


Philemon 1:2  and to our dear friend Apphia, and to Archippus, a fellow soldier, and the church that meets in your home.


Philemon 1:3  Grace and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.


Philemon 1:4  I thank God for you every time I pray,


Philemon 1:5  because I hear about your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and your love for God's people.


Philemon 1:6  And how you share your faith and life with others so that they may come to know all the blessings of Jesus Christ.


Philemon 1:7  Your love brings joy, encouragement, and refreshment to God's people.


Philemon 1:8  Jesus Christ gives me the boldness to bring a command to you.


Philemon 1:9  But I would rather appeal to you out of love as Paul the well seasoned prisoner for Jesus Christ,


Philemon 1:10  I appeal to you to help my son in the faith, Onesimus, because I led him to Jesus Christ while here in prison chains.


Philemon 1:11  He was unprofitable to you but now he is useful to both you and me.


Philemon 1:12  I am sending him back to you and desire that you will receive him.


Philemon 1:13  I would like to keep him here as he takes your place in helping me minister the good news while I am in chains.


Philemon 1:14  But I won't do anything unless you agree because I want your act of kindness to come from your heart,  not from pressure.


Philemon 1:15  Perhaps he was removed from you for a while so that you could receive him back for good,


Philemon 1:16  but not as a slave, but as a dear friend and brother in the Lord.


Philemon 1:17  If you consider me a partner through Jesus Christ, then receive him as you would receive me.


Philemon 1:18  If he has cheated you or owes you anything then charge it to my account.


Philemon 1:19  With my own hand I write: I will repay you - But keep in mind that you owe me your own self.


Philemon 1:20  My brother in our Lord, please bring me joy and refreshment by doing this for me.


Philemon 1:21  I am confident you will do even more than what I ask.


Philemon 1:22  Prepare a guest room for me because I trust your prayers will be answered and I will visit you.


Philemon 1:23  Epaphras, a fellow prisoner of Jesus Christ, greets you.


Philemon 1:24  as well as Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, and Luke, my fellow workers.


Philemon 1:25  May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.