Evolution Cruncher Chapter 24
Utterly Impossible Things evolution could never invent 1 - FACTS WHICH CANNOT BE DENIED It is commonly said that evolution and Creation are both theories. A "theory" has no definite proof in its support, only some evidence favoring it. In this book, we have found that evolution has no evidence supporting it and a ton of facts which destroy it. But Creation is different. It has a mammoth number of facts from the natural world supporting it. And those facts do not fit any other possible explanation. Regardless of what the evolutionists may claim, Creation is not a theory; it is a proven scientific fact. To fill space at the end of the chapters in this book, a sampling of facts from the natural world have been included; each of which could only be explained by Creation. (They are all listed on the top of page 916.) Here are three more. As you read them, be open-minded and think. Accept the reality of the situation. Our world was made by a super-powerful, massively intelligent Creator. The world did not make itself. ANATOMY OF A WORKER BEE (1) Compound eyes able to analyze polarized light for navigation and flower recognition. (2) Three additional eyes for navigation. (3) Two antennae for smell and touch. (4) Grooves on front legs to clean antennae. (5) Tube-like proboscis to suck in nectar and water. When not in use, it curls back under the head. (6) Two jaws (mandibles) to hold, crush, and form wax. (7) Honey tank for temporary storage of nectar. (8) Enzymes in honey tank which will ultimately change that nectar into honey. (9) Glands in abdomen produce beeswax, which is secreted as scales on rear body. (10) Five segmented legs which can turn in any needed direction. (11) Pronged claws, on each foot, to cling to flowers. (12) Glands in head make royal jelly. (13) Glands in body make glue. (14) Hairs on head, thorax, and legs to collect pollen. (15) Pollen baskets on rear legs to collect pollen. (16) Several different structures to collect pollen. (17) Spurs to pack it down. (18) Row of hooks on trailing edges of front wings, which, hooking to rear wings in flight, provide better flying power. (19) Barbed poison sting, to defend the bee and the hive. (20) An enormous library of inherited knowledge regarding: how to grow up; make hives and cells; nurse infants; aid queen bee; analyze, locate, and impart information on how to find the flowers; navigate by polarized and other light; collect materials in the field; guard the hive; detect and overcome enemies;—and lots more! How can a honeycomb have walls which are only 1/350th an inch [.007 cm] thick, yet be able to support 30 times their own weight? How can a strong, healthy colony have 50,000 to 60,000 bees—yet all are able to work together at a great variety of tasks without any instructors or supervisors? How can a honeybee identify a flavor as sweet, sour, salty, or bitter? How can it correctly identify a flower species and only visit that species on each trip into the field—while passing up tasty opportunities of other species that it finds en route? All these mysteries and more are found in the life of the bee. A honeybee averages 14 miles [25.5 km] per hour in flight, yet collects enough nectar in its lifetime to make about 1/10th of a pound [.045kg] of honey. In order to make a pound of honey, a bee living close to clover fields would have to travel 13,000 miles [20,920 km], or 4 times the distance from New York City to San Francisco! With all this high-tech equipment on each bee, surely it must have taken countless ages for the little bee to evolve every part of it. Yet, not long ago, a very ancient bee was found encased in amber. Analyzing it, scientists decided that, although it dated back to the beginning of flowering plants, it was just like modern bees! So, as far back in the past as we can go, we find that bees are just like bees today! PORTRAIT FROG At random, we will select one of several hundred examples we could cite. The South American false-eyed frog is an interesting creature. Generally about 3 inches [7.62 cm] long, it is brown, black, blue, gray, and white! Drops of each color are on its skin, and it can suddenly change from one of these colors to the others, simply by masking out certain color spots. The change-color effect that this frog regularly produces is totally amazing, and completely unexplainable by any kind of evolutionary theory. The frog will be sitting in the jungle minding its own business, when an enemy, such as a snake or rat, will come along. Instantly, that frog will jump and turn around, so that its back is now facing the intruder. In that same instance, the frog changed its colors! Now the enemy sees a big head, nose, mouth, and two black and blues eyes! All this looks so real—with even a black pupil with a blue iris around it. Yet the frog cannot see any of this, for the very highly intelligently designed markings are on its back! The normal sitting position of this frog is head high and back low. But when the predator comes, he quickly turns around, so his back faces the predator! In addition, the frog puts his head low to the ground and his hind parts high. In this position, to the enemy viewing him, he appears to be a large rat’s head! In just the right location is that face and eyes staring at you! The frog’s hind legs are tucked away together underneath his eyes—and they look like a large mouth! As he moves his hind legs, the mouth appears to move! The part of the frog’s body that once was a tadpole’s snail—now looks like a perfectly formed nose, and it is just at the right location! To the side of the fake face, there appear long claws! These are the frog’s toes! As the frog tucks his legs to the sides of his body, he purposely lifts up two toes from each hind foot—and curls them out, so they will look like a couple of weird hooks. And the frog does all this in one second! At this, the predator leaves, feeling quite defeated. But that which it left behind is a tasty, defenseless, weak frog which can turn around quickly, but cannot hop away very fast. The frog will never see that face on itself, so it did not put the face there. Someone very intelligent put that face there! And the face was put there by being programmed into its genes. Well, there it is. And it is truly incredible. How could that small, ignorant frog, with hardly enough brains to cover your little fingernail do that? Could that frog possibly be intelligent enough to draw a portrait on the ground beneath it? No, it could not. Could it do it in living color? No! Then how could it do it on its own back? There is no human being in the world smart enough—unaided and without mirrors—to draw anything worthwhile on his own back. How then could a frog do it? It cannot see its back, just as you cannot see yours. The task is an impossible one. And, to make matters more impossible, it does it without hands! Could you, unaided by devices or others, accurately draw a picture on your back? No. Could you do it simply by making colors to emerge on the skin? A thousand times, No. "Portrait frog"! This is the motion-picture frog! And the entire process occurs on its back, where it will never see what is happening! And it would not have the brains to design or prepare this full-color, action pantomime even if it could see it. Someone will comment that frogs learn this by watching the backs of other frogs. But the picture is only formed amid the desperate crisis of encountering an enemy about to leap upon it. Only the enemy sees the picture; at no other time is the picture formed. All scientists will agree that this frog does not do these things because of intelligence, but as a result of coding within its DNA. How did that coding get there? It requires intelligence to produce a code. Random codes are meaningless and designs never arise though random activity. They require intelligent planning. Genetic codes within living creatures are the most complicated of humans to devise and fabricate. The facts are clear. God made that frog, and He made all other living creatures also. Only His careful thought could produce and implant those codes and the physical systems they call for. There can be no other answer. THE PALOLO WORMAs our third and last example, we will tell you about a lowly blind worm who lives all but a few days of his life in the black depths of the ocean. The palolo worm is as incredible as many other creatures. Randomness could never produce this. Neither natural selection (the proper name for it is "random accidents") nor mutations could invent the palolo worm. Palolo worms live in coral reefs off the Samoan and Fijian Islands in the south Pacific. Twice a year, with astounding regularity, half of this worm develops into another animal with its own set of eyes, floats to the surface on an exact two days in one or the other of two months in the year, and then spawns! Yet these worms live in total darkness and isolation in coral holes deep within the ocean, have no means of communicating with one another, nor of knowing time—not even whether it is night or day! How can they know when it is time to break apart for the spawning season? Here is the story of the Palolo worm: The palolo worm (Eunice virdis) measures about 16 inches [41dm] long. It lives in billions in the coral reefs of Fiji and Samoa in the Southwestern Pacific. The head of an individual worm has several sensory tentacles and teeth in its pharynx. Males are reddish-brown and females are bluish-green. These worms go down into the deep coral atolls and riddle it with their tiny, isolated tubes. They also burrow under rocks and into crevices. Once settled into their homes, these creatures catch passing food—small polyps—with their "tails" while their heads are buried inside the coral or between rock. The body of one of these worms is divided into segments, like an earthworm’s body; and each contains a set of the organs necessary for life. But reproductive glands only develop in rear segments. As the breeding season nears, the "brain" of the little worm, inside the coral, decides that the time has come for action. The back half of the palolo worm alters drastically. Muscles and other internal organs in each segment grow rapidly. Then the pololo worm partially backs out of its tunnel and the outer half breaks off. By that time, the other half has grown its own set of eyes! Once separated from the rest of the worm, the broken-off half swims to the surface. (Down below in the coral, the "other half" grows a new back half and continues on with life.) On reaching the surface, the free-swimming halves break open; their eggs and sperm float in the water; and fertilization occurs. The empty skins sink to the bottom, devoured by fish as they go. Soon, free-swimming larvae develop and, becoming full grown palolo worms, they sink deep into the ocean and burrow into the reefs. We have here a creature which stays at home while sending off part of itself to a distant location to produce offspring. That is astounding enough. But the most amazing part is the clockwork involved in all this! The success of this technique depends upon timing. If the worms are to achieve cross-fertilization, they all must detach their hind parts simultaneously. So all those worm segments are released at exactly the same time each year! Swarming occurs at exactly the neap tides which occur in October and November. (Some of the spawning occurs in October, but mostly in November.) It occurs at dawn on the day before and the day on which the moon is in its last quarter. Suddenly, all the half-worms are released into the ocean. Swimming to the surface and bursting open, the sea briefly becomes a writhing mass of billions of worms and is milky with eggs and sperm. The timing is exquisite. People living in Samoa and Fiji watch closely as these dates approach. When the worms come to the surface, boats are sent out to catch vast numbers of them. They are shared around; festivals are held, and the worms are eaten raw or cooked. In Fiji, the Scarlet aloals and the seasea flowers both bloom. This is the signal that the worms are about to rise to the surface! Then, each morning, the nationals watch for the moon to be on the horizon just as day breaks. Ten days after this—exactly ten days—the palolo worms will spawn. The first swarm is called Mbalolo lailai (little palolo), and the second is Mbalolo levu (large palolo). On the island of Savaii, the swarming is predicted by the land crabs. Exactly three days before the palolo worms come to the surface, all the land crabs on the island mass migrate down to the sea to spawn. Throughout those islands, the nationals know to arise early on the right day. An hour or so before dawn, some will begin wading in darkness, searching the water with torches for evidence of what will begin within an hour. Even before the night pales into dawn, green wriggling strings will begin to appear in the black water. Flashlights reveal them, vertically wriggling upward toward the surface. Shouts are raised; the palolo worms have been seen! People who have been sleeping on the beaches awake. Gathering up their nets, scoops, and pails, they wade out into the water. Dawn quickly follows, and now the number of worms increases astronomically! Billions of worms have risen and are floating on large expanses of the ocean’s surface. The sea actually becomes curdled several inches deep with these tiny creatures;—yet only a half hour before there were hardly any, and absolutely none before that for nearly a year. The people ladle them into buckets, as large fish swim in and excitedly take their share. People and fish must work fast; an hour before there were none,—and already the worms are breaking to pieces! As their thin body walls rupture, the eggs and sperms come out and give a milky hue to the blue-green ocean. Quickly, the empty worm bodies fall downward into the ocean and disappear. Within half-an-hour after the worms first appear, they are gone, —and only eggs and sperm remain. Scientists have tried to figure out how the palolo worm calculates the time of spawning so accurately. But there is just no answer. The worms cannot watch the phases of the moon from their burrows. They are too far down in the ocean to see light or darkness or note the flow of the tides. The only solution appears to be some kind of internal "clock"! But wait, how can that be? An internal clock would require that the action be triggered every 365 days, but this cannot be; since the moon’s movements are not synchronized with our day-night cycle, the movements of the sun, nor with our calandar. As a result, the moon’s third quarter in October arrives ten or eleven days earlier each year until it slips back a month. Nor can it be that the worms in their holes are somehow able to judge the phase of the moon by the light; for they spawn whether the sky is clear or completely overcast. Well then, it must be that the worms send signals to each other through the water! But that cannot be; for the palolo worms on the reefs of Samoa split apart at exactly the same time as the worms at Fiji—which are 600 miles away! If some kind of signal could indeed be sent over such a vast stretch of ocean, it would take weeks to arrive. Indeed, the timing appears to have been pre-decided for the worm. There is no celestial or oceanic logic to it. The Pacific palolo spawns at the beginning of the third quarter in October or November; whereas the Atlantic palolo—near Bermuda and the West Indies—also spawns at the third quarter, but always in June or July instead of October! (Far away from both, a third pololo worm also spawns yearly at the beginning of the third quarter in October or November.) At any rate, the advantages are obvious. All the eggs and sperm are together for a few hours, and a new generation is produced. Some other sedentary creatures also reproduce within narrowed time limits. This includes oysters, sea urchins, and a variety of other marine animals. But, with the exception of the California coast grunion, none do it within such narrowed, exacting time limits as the palolo worm. Our Creator made the honeybee, the portrait frog, the palolo worm—and everything else in our world. May we acknowledge Him, honor Him, and serve Him all the days of our life. He deserves our truest, our deepest worship and service; for He is our Creator and our God. 2 - CONCLUSION Few men in Europe have tried to eradicate the Bible and the knowledge of God from the minds of the people as did the French infidel, Voltaire. The Christian physician who attended Voltaire, during his last illness, later wrote about the experience:
An American tourist, in France, went to the hotelkeeper to pay his bill. The French hotelkeeper said, "Don’t you want a receipt? You could be charged twice." "Oh, no," replied the American, "if God wills I will be back in a week. You can give me a receipt then." "If God wills," smiled the hotelkeeper, "do you still believe in God?" "Why, yes," said the American, "don’t you?" "No," said the hotelkeeper, "we have given that up long ago." "Oh," replied the American, "well, on second, thought, I believe I’ll take the receipt after all!" It was over a century ago, and a man and his nephew were traveling west through the Colorado mountains. But they had lost their way, and finally came upon a cabin among the trees. The country was still wild, and they were nervous when they knocked on the door. Could they sleep for the night? they inquired. As they prepared for bed, they heard low mumbling words in the adjoining room where the family (a husband, wife, and grown son) were. Almost in terror by now, the two men feared for their lives. They were carrying considerable money. What should they do? They only had one revolver. After a time, they heard the chairs move, a shuffling, and more low mumbling. This must be it! A plot was afoot to kill them. With beads of sweat on his cold brow and hands, the nephew crept softly to the door and peered through the keyhole. Coming back to the bed, his entire demeanor was changed. "Everything is all right," he whispered, and explained what he saw. Immediately both fell soundly asleep and did not awake until morning. Through the keyhole the young man had seen the family kneeling. They had read from the Bible, pushed back their chairs, and were praying. The two men knew they had nothing to fear; they were in the home of genuine Christians. " ‘Have you studied Voltaire, Tom Paine, Robert Ingersoll, or any of those fellows?’ asked a passenger as he stood by the captain at the wheel of a steamship. " ‘No,’ replied the captain. " ‘Well, you should. You can’t fairly turn down their argument until you have thoroughly investigated for yourself,’ the passenger replied. " ‘I’ve been captain of this ship a long time,’ said the captain. ‘The charts that I work with tell me the location of the deep water, so I can safely guide the ship into port. When I first became a sea captain, I decided that I would not investigate the rocks. The experience I’ve known other chaps to have with the rocks has been sufficient warning for me. " ‘Over the years I’ve watched the lives of men who have read the Bible everyday and loved God. Those were the men who had solid families, stayed away from drink, and helped other people in the community. " ‘And I’ve also seen the others: the drunkards, drug addicts, criminals, and all the rest. Those are the ones who have nothing to do with God and the Bible, and who never attend church. " ‘No, I’ve made my decision; I stay away from the rocks. My mother taught me the Bible when I was little, and I worship and serve the God of heaven who made all things. I’m not a bit interested in anything that Ingersoll, Voltaire, and Paine have to offer.’ " The preacher was on the street corner telling the passing crowds about Jesus Christ. A crowd had gathered and was listening intently. Then a hoarse voice spoke up from the back. " ‘Preacher, you’ve got it all wrong. Atheism is the answer to humanity’s problems. People get into trouble and go crazy when they hear about Christianity. Religion is bad for minds and ruins lives. Come on now,—prove to me that Christianity is real, and I’ll be quiet.’ Everyone was interested to see what would happen next. The preacher held up his hand for quiet, and then said this: "Never did I hear anyone state, ‘I was undone and an outcast, but I read Thomas Paine’s Age of Reason and now I have been saved from the power of sin.’ Never did I hear of one who declared, ‘I was in darkness and despair and knew not where to turn, until I read Ingersoll’s Lectures, and then found peace of heart and solutions to my problems.’ "Never did I hear an atheist telling that his atheism had been the means by which he had been set free from the bondage of liquor. Never did I learn of anyone who conquered hard drugs by renouncing faith in God. "But I have heard many testify that, when as hopeless and helpless sinners, they had turned in their great need to the Son of God and cast themselves upon Him for forgiveness and enabling power to overcome sin—they were given peace of heart and victory over enslaving sin!" Then, turning to the atheist, he said: "Who starts the orphanages, the city missions, and the work among the poor? It is the Christians. Who owns and operates the taverns, and manufactures the liquor sold in them? It is the atheists. Who risk their lives to help poor people in mission fields all over the world? It is the Christians. Who runs the abortion mills and the houses of prostitution? It is the atheists. Who are the most solid, kindly, industrious people in the nation? It is the Christians. Who operates the gambling halls and the crime syndicates? It is the atheists. "Who are the swindlers, bank robbers, and embezzlers? It is the atheists. Who helps men put away their sins, live to bless others, and prepares men for death and eternity? It is the Christians EVOLUTION COULD NOT DO THIS Although only an inch long, the female trap-door spider builds her own home, wallpapers it, and then makes a high-quality door and latch. It is such a tight-fitting job, from the outside you cannot see what she has done! After digging a burrow six inches deep into soft ground, she lines the walls with silk. Then she builds the front door. This is a circular lid about three-quarters of an inch across. A silken hinge is placed on one end, and gravel on the bottom. In this way, as soon as the lid is pulled over, it falls shut by its own weight. The top part of the door looks exactly like its surroundings. The bottom part is so carefully beveled, you cannot see the door when it is shut. Who taught the trapdoor spider to make such a nice little home? |