The Evolution Cruncher 


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Astronomy - The study of planets, stars, galaxies, etc. (Pprbk and web: Chapter 2 / 3-volume set: Chapters 1-3).

Astrophysics - The laws of physics, as applied to stellar facts and problems (Pprbk and web: Chapter 2 / 3-volume set: Chapters 1, 3, 2). 

Cosmology - Speculative theories about stellar origins and change (Pprbk and web: Chapter 2 / 3-volume set: Chapters 1-3). 

Natural Law - The basic laws governing the entire creation (Pprbk and web: Chapters 18, 1 back / 3-volume set: Chapters 25, 3 back).


Anatomy - The study of the physical structure of animal life (Pprbk and web: Chapters 7-8, 15-16 / 3-volume set: Chapters 9-11, 21-22, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32).

Anthropology - The study of mankind (Pprbk and web: Chapter 13 / 3-volume set: Chapters 18, 36).

Archaeology - The study of materials and writings from ancient times (Pprbk and web: Chapter 21 / 3-volume set: Chapter 35). 

Biochemistry - Chemical analysis of plant and animal tissue (Pprbk and web: Chapters 7-8, 15-16 / 3-volume set: Chapters 9-11, 21-22). 

Biology - The study of plants and animals (Pprbk and web: Chapters 7-8, 9-11 / 3-volume set: Chapters 9-11, 13-15, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32). 

Bioradiology - The study of various types of irradiation, as it pertains to life-forms (Pprbk and web: Chapter 10 / 3-volume set: Chapter 14). 

Botany - The study of plants (Pprbk and web: Chapters 11, 7-10 / 3-volume set: Chapters 12, 15, 9-11, 13-14). 

Calendation - Human calendars, chronology, and time-measurement systems (Pprbk and web: Chapters 3-6, 21 / 3-volume set: Chapters 5-7, 29, 35, 39 ). 

Claudistics - The study of plant and animal types (Pprbk and web: Chapter 11 / 3-volume set: Chapter 15). 

Cytology - The study of cells (Pprbk and web: Chapters 7-8 / 3-volume set: Chapters 11, 9-10). 

Dating technologies - The science of determining dates from nonwritten materials (Pprbk and web: Chapters 3-6, 21 / 3-volume set: Chapters 5-7, 29, 35). 

Dendrology - The study of tree rings (Pprbk and web: Chapter 6 / 3-volume set: Chapter 7). 

Design factor - Structure, function, interconnections, and appearance in nature shows they were produced by a super intelligent Creator (Pprbk and web: Chapter 2 back / 3-volume set: Chapters 3 back, 4, 8, 11-12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32). 

Ecology - The study of plant and animal relationships and mutual dependencies (3-volume set: Chapters 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32). 

Egyptology - The study of the ancient Egyptian monuments and its civilization (Pprbk and web: Chapter 21 / 3-volume set: Chapter 35).  

Ethnology - The study of races and cultures (Pprbk and web: Chapters 9, 13-14 / 3-volume set: Chapters 13, 18-19). 

Geographic Distribution - The study of ancient wildlife migrations (3-volume set: Chapter 27).

Genetics - The study of inheritance mechanisms and factors (Pprbk and web: Chapters 8-11 / 3-volume set: Chapters 10, 

Graphology - The study of writing, ancient and modern (Pprbk and web: Chapters 13-14 / 3-volume set: Chapters 18-19). 

History - The study of past written records (Pprbk and web: Chapters 1, 19, 12-14 / 3-volume set: Chapters 29, 33, 17-19). 

Legislative history - The study of earlier court decisions (3-volume set: Chapters 34, 5). 

Linguistics - The study of human languages (Pprbk and web: Chapters 13-14, 4 / 3-volume set: Chapters 18-19, 6). 

Logic - The study of cause, logical analysis, and fallacies (3-volume set: Chapter 37-38). 

Microbiology - The study of plant and animal tissue, using high-tech methods and extremely powerful microscopes (Pprbk and web: Chapters 7-8, 9-11, 15 / 3-volume set: Chapters 9-11, 13-15, 21). 

Philosophy - Speculative thought regarding origins, existence, purpose, and destiny (3-volume set: Chapter 37). 

Physiology - The function of plant and animal cells, tissues, and organs (Pprbk and web: Chapters 8, 9-10, 15-16 / 3-volume set: Chapters 11, 10, 13-14, 21-22). 

Prehistory - The study of human life, thought, and activity, prior to the advent of written records (Pprbk and web: Chapters 12-14, 4 / 3-volume set: Chapters 17-19, 6, 39). 

Sociology - The study of the interaction of people in small and large groups and cultures (Pprbk and web: Chapters 1, 19, 21, 13-14 / 3-volume set: Chapters 33-35, 39, 18-19). 

Speciation - The study of plant and animal species (Pprbk and web: Chapter 11 / 3-volume set: Chapter 15). 

Taxonomy - The making of plant and animal classification systems (Pprbk and web: Chapter 11 / 3-volume set: Chapter 15). 

Technologies, ancient - The study of ancient artifacts, technologies, and achievements (Pprbk and web: Chapters 13-14, 12, 4 / 3-volume set: Chapters 18-19, 17, 6). 

Zoology - The study of animal life (3-volume set: Chapters 16, 20, 24, 28, 32).


Chemistry - The study of the interaction of chemical compounds (Pprbk and web: Chapters 7-8, 10-11 / 3-volume set: Chapters 9-10, 14-15).

Climatology - The study of climates (Pprbk and web: Chapters 4, 7, 12-14 / 3-volume set: Chapters 6, 9, 17-19). 

Geochemistry - The study of substances in the earth and the chemical changes they undergo (Pprbk and web: Chapters 3, 12-13, 7-8 / 3-volume set: Chapters 5, 17-18, 9-10). 

Geochronology - The study of time-measurement patterns in rocks and minerals (Pprbk and web: Chapters 5-6 / 3-volume set: Chapter 7). 

Geology - The study of rocks and minerals (Pprbk and web: Chapters 6, 12, 3, 2 / 3-volume set: Chapters 7, 17, 5, 26). 

Geophysics - The study of the structure, composition, and development of the earth (Pprbk and web: Chapters 3-6, 20, 12 / 3-volume set: Chapters 5-7, 26, 17). 

Georadiology - The study of radiation as it relates to the earth (Pprbk and web: Chapters 6, 20 / 3-volume set: Chapters 7, 26). 

Glaciation - The study of glaciers, their movements, and effects (Pprbk and web: Chapter 14 / 3-volume set: Chapter 19). 

Hydrology - The study of water flow and pressure (Pprbk and web: Chapters 14, 12, 6 / 3-volume set: Chapters 19, 17, 7). 

Meteorology - The study of the weather (Pprbk and web: Chapter 19 / 3-volume set: Chapter 14). 

Mineralogy - The study of minerals, including iron ore and uranium (Pprbk and web: Chapters 3-4, 6, 12, 14 / 3-volume set: Chapters 5-7, 17, 19). 

Mining - The study of digging, coring, and drilling into the earth (Pprbk and web: Chapters 3, 6, 4, 20, 12 / 3-volume set: Chapters 5, 7, 6, 26, 17). 

Oceanography - Mapping and research of ocean currents, contents, shores, and floor (Pprbk and web: Chapters 20, 14 / 3-volume set: Chapters 26, 19). 

Orogeny - The study of the origin of hills and mountains (Pprbk and web: Chapters 12, 14 / 3-volume set: Chapters 17, 19). 

Paleogeography - The study of the past geography of the earth (Pprbk and web: Chapters 18, 20, 12, 14 / 3-volume set: Chapters 26-27, 17, 19). 

Paleology - The study of ancient materials which have since been recovered (Pprbk and web: Chapters 4, 13-14 / 3-volume set: Chapters 6, 17-18). 

Paleomagnetism - The study of earth’s magnetic core, reversals, and magnetic poles (Pprbk and web: Chapters 20 / 3-volume set: Chapter 26).

Paleontology - The study of fossils (Pprbk and web: Chapters 12-14, 6 / 3-volume set: Chapters 17-19, 7). 

Petrography - The study of rocks in general (Pprbk and web: Chapters 3-6, 12-14, 20 / 3-volume set: Chapters 5-7, 17-19, 26). -  

Physics - The study of physical laws and their applications (Pprbk and web: Chapters 18, 2 / 3-volume set: Chapters 25, 1-3). 

Plate tectonics - The theory of gigantic continental plate movement (Pprbk and web: Chapter 20 / 3-volume set: Chapter 26). -

Stratigraphy - The study of rock strata in which fossils are found (Pprbk and web: Chapters 12-14, 6 / 3-volume set: Chapters 17-19, 7). - 

         Volcanology - The study of volcanoes and volcanic action (Pprbk and web: Chapters 20, 12, 14, 3, 6 / 3-     

          volume set: Chapters 26, 17, 19, 5, 7) -

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