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Partaking of the Eucharist purportedly gives Catholics who are still alive an opportunity to help the dead:
This heart-tugging doctrine indoctrinates Roman Catholics with the belief that regularly receiving the Eucharist will help their departed loved ones reach heaven faster. If this doctrine is of God, then you should obey it. But if it' s a tradition devised by men to keep people in bondage to a church, then it is a cruel and heartless method of controlling people. Let's see what God says about it. Never Mentioned You can search the Scriptures from beginning to end, but you will not find the Eucharist helping a single dead person. And not one Bible character ever received the Eucharist on behalf of a departed loved one. As you may suspect, this Catholic tradition is not only absent from God's Word, it directly violates it as well. The Bible teaches that we will each give account for our own life:
Jesus did all the Work People enter heaven solely because of the good work Jesus Christ did on the cross. Salvation is a gift from God, not an item earned by our righteousness or the righteousness of friends and loved ones. Death, then Judgment The Bible declares that after death, everyone faces God for judgment. There are no more chances:
Those who do not put their faith in Christ while they are alive are already condemned to hell:
The wrath of God abides on those who die without Christ:
The Bible says nothing about God's wrath being pacified because someone received the Eucharist on behalf of departed loved ones. The only way to avoid the condemnation of God is by placing your faith in Jesus Christ while you are alive. Jesus declared:
Conclusion Once again, you are left with several questions which must be answered:
Most importantly, you need to understand that to continue practicing this man-made tradition, you must reject the very words of Jesus Christ. Are you sure you want to do this?